Event Venue
Nahirna St, 22, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000
Concert of the group “Ambrozia” in the garden of the Kyiv Institute of Automation as part of the “day of open studios”.
Ambrozia is an indie-electronic band created by Igor Kanivets and Margarita Sherstyuk in 2018, transformed into a multimedia art project.
Their style is called “romantic electronics”. The food of the gods – “ragweed” – in Greek mythology gave the Olympic gods eternal youth and immortality. The weed genus, which is widespread in a large area of Ukraine, has the same name. All this is symbolic of our “wild” music, which appeared suddenly, in conditions not adapted to this kind of activity, but like the “food of the gods”, gave us a new breath – new creative energy and inspiration” – Igor Kanivets and Margarita Sherstyuk.