Start: March 1, 2024
12:00 am
End: April 30, 2024
12:00 am

Event Venue

Tanka Prasad Sadak, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal

Customs and traditions differ from one part of Nepal to another. A conglomeration lies in the capital city Kathmandu where cultures are blending to form a national identity. Kathmandu Valley has served as the country’s cultural metropolis since the unification of Nepal in the 18th Century. A prominent factor in a Nepali’s everyday life is religion. Adding color to the lives of Nepalese are festivals year-round which they celebrate with much pomp and joy. Food plays an important role in the celebration of these festivals.

The capital is surrounded by a valley full of historic sites, ancient temples, shrines, and fascinating villages. Kathmandu is an incredibly diverse historic city with breathtaking Newari architecture, centuries-old Hindu and Buddhist religious sites. Stepping into Kathmandu is like stepping into another world that everybody should experience at least once in their lifetime. Kathmandu is a result of diverse cultures and lifestyles, a long history of faith and beliefs, and arts and architecture. Therefore, more than just a city, Kathmandu is a living open museum.

KIAR is an opportunity to travel back in time and to relive in history as well as experience natural beauty. We are going to organize a one-month-long residency (30 days) and two-month long residency (60 days). Each time max. 2 applicants will be selected.

Who can apply?

    Visual Artist / Painter / Sculptor / Ceramist / Print Maker / Performing Artist / Musician / Writer / New Media Artist / Curator / Film Making / Theater Artist / Architecture / Art Critics / Researcher

Duration / Period of residencies (30 days or 60 days):

1. June
2. July
3. December

Residency conditions:

    Internet Connection / A private room during the residency / Shared working space during the residency. / Access to shared spaces (kitchen, toilet, bathroom). / laundry (Once a week) / Possibility to organize workshop/debate in the residency / Promotion through social media / Human and technical resources / Connections with the local cultural scene

Working language(s):

English / French /Farsi / Hindi / Bengali /Nepali

Expectations from the artist

    Presentation / Workshop for children or college students (optional) / Exhibition or open studio or research presentation

Expenses of the artist

    Travel / Supplies / Material / Daily expenses / Food / Volunteer Fee (if needed) / Health insurance / Residency fee
Event date:
March 1, 2025
Kathmandu, Nepal
How to Apply:

by email

for more information:

Contact Information:

[email protected]


View attachment: application form
Fees & Tickets
residency fee

Space A

for interdisciplinary art practice
Space A is Kathmandu (Nepal) based non-governmental autonomous, non-political, non-profitable, and an Artist Initiative with the goal of establishing…