STUDIO BAUSTELLE is an artist-run space for art, events and experiments in Neukölln, Berlin highlighting analogue and accessible media. We are a group of 5 artists Monika Berstis, Annsofie Jonsson, Janin Walter, Marija Brasnic, Felicia Scheuerecker
Berthelsdorfer Str. 11, 12043 Berlin, Germany
Filmverkstaden is an artist-run initiative dedicated to analogue film and photography.
Opistokatu 1
articule is an open-access artist-run centre dedicated to the presentation of a broad range of contemporary art practices. Through our various programming channels, we strive for artistic excellence, interdisciplinarity and social engagement. While special consideration is given to emerging artists, we also respect those who have already established important precedents, who continue to test the limits of aesthetic gesture, and who commit themselves to the ideals of experimentation and risk-taking. articule supports discursive and alternative activities that promote dialogue and build networks with local, national and international artists, collectives and organizations. Our open structure encourages the direct participation of an active and diverse membership on both programming and organisational levels.
6282, rue Saint-Hubert, Montréal, QC, Canada