Quotes on art by artists, writers, critics and art spectators. The Window Art Project wants to show the value of art to a broader public. It started in 2013 with a new quote on art on the window of our studio at Weesperzijde in Amsterdam every two weeks. The Weesperzijde is a busy pedestrian and cycle route to the center of the city. Every day more then 15.000 visitors are passing by, many in a hurry but more and more people notice the quotes. They read, react, smile, frown, reflect make a note or a picture of the quote. And regularly, we find new quotes in our letterbox or email.
Weesperzijde 20 1091EB Amsterdam The Netherlands
P/////AKT is a non-profit exhibition space for contemporary art that organizes and facilitates large scale solo presentations through which the audience gets the opportunity to gain insight in the thinking space of the artists. P/////AKT provides a platform for exceptional, emerging artistic talents, who distinguish themselves through their unique and authentic language and who are capable of giving a different view on the current way of thinking. They are stimulated to work out new developments and are given the opportunity to present their work to a relevant audience. Furthermore, P/////AKT always asks the artists to produce new work that relates to the specific nature and dimensions of the given space and to present their own mental space as an overall presentation within the given context.
Zeeburgerpad 53 1019 AB Amsterdam
A short description of the initiative by its initiators will appear here shortly.
Various locations according to event
A short description of the initiative by its initiators will appear here shortly.
Warmoesstraat 139, 1012 JB Amsterdam
A short description of the initiative by its initiators will appear here shortly.
Hamerstraat 22 1021 JV Amsterdam
A short description of the initiative by its initiators will appear here shortly.
Madurastraat 72, 1094 GR Amsterdam