The roots of this gallery stem from a passion to fill the voids left behind by closed doors. As an artist and a nomad traveler, I’ve witnessed the struggles faced by creative souls yearning for opportunities. We believe in democratizing art, transcending limitations, and nurturing dreams. Your triumphs are our rewards, and we’re here to walk this path with you. As a wandering nomad, I understand the importance of expanding digital opportunities that transcend geographical boundaries. Who said an artist must be confined within four walls with canvases and paints? Travel and the richness of other cultures – that’s what fuels me and many other creators. Our gallery is newly established, so we don’t have a large number of participants and followers on social media just yet. However, we are confident that this will change soon! In order to attract new artists who may not be familiar with our gallery, we are spreading the word about our first open call on all available platforms. At Seenesthesia, we curate monthly online juried art exhibitions that are not just shows but transformative experiences. Winners of our open-calls will receive cash prizes, unique articles about them on the website, possibility to sell their […]
Lisbon, Portugal
DUPLEX | Artists in Residence is an independent artist-run-space, composed of studios, a residency program and a gallery. DUPLEX occupies an area of 1000m2 distributed by 3 main floors. The first floor is occupied by our gallery. In the second floor 10 long-term studios receive artists living in Lisbon, as well as our office. On the third floor additional 8 studios and a curator’s office are dedicated to our residency program. Seeking to stimulate creative processes, experimentation and plastic production as well as the discourse that these dynamics originate, DUPLEX presents itself as a privileged territory for the coexistence of different artists, different productions and different ways of thinking about the work of art and its context. Valuing advances and setbacks, valuing error, failure, and disruption as participants in contemporary praxis, the entire structure and functioning of DUPLEX seeks, in addition to celebrate the final results, to recognize the conceptual and procedural richness of artistic creation, and bring the public closer to it. For resident artists, DUPLEX’s artistic residency program allows a quick insertion in the artistic community of Lisbon, offering the possibility, time and space to develop and show their work. With guest visits, conversations, organized visits to studios […]
R. Angelina Vidal 31, 1170-017 Lisboa, Portugal
HyperCube is an artist-run project space that researches the innovative possibilities between alternative art spaces, and artists’ and scientists’ interactions with the in-situ/ex-situ. HyperCube is a non-profit experimental art space founded by artist, Özge Topçu and takes its purpose and identity from her practice. In her artwork, Ozge explores the relationship between the spatiality of space, science, and sociology. Hypercube is dedicated to curating and hosting projects that further understanding between the relationship of space, science, and sociology. As a non-profit organisation, HyperCube creates an open space for trans-disciplinary activity and aims to build institutional engagement with non-institutional actors such as local communities and students. HyperCube is open for project proposals from makers, thinkers, artists, and scientists. In additional to its regular call for curated projects, HyperCube welcomes and responds year round to open submissions. Inspired by higher dimensional iterations of the cube, as well as the existing architectural structure of its location, the HyperCube space aims deconstruct the traditional notion of ‘the white cube’ and develop a hyper form of art space.
R. Almeida e Sousa, Lisbon, Portugal
Zaratan – Arte Contemporânea is a not-for-profit space and an organization founded by artists in Lisbon city center in November 2014. Zaratan is a creation, production and promotion structure for contemporary art and a space of reflection and listening. In order to stimulate creativity and contribute to generate valid cultural processes, Zaratan has developed so far a heterogeneous and mostly free of charge agenda of events, that parallel to the regular schedule of exhibitions, presents video-projections, concerts, talks by artists, presentations and performances. Zaratan defends an interdisciplinary attitude and aims to promote a deeper comprehension of the artistic languages of the present with an independent structure.
Rua de São Bento, 432, Lisboa, Portugal
EGEU is an independent cultural space in Lisbon first opened in September 2019. Born out of the urge to claim a space of fruitful freedom, one of its key intentions is to facilitate artistic, cultural and editorial initiatives without market-related concerns. Thus, since its foundation, EGEU has kept a multidisciplinary and active program, having organized exhibitions, performances, discussions, literary projects, residencies and screenings alongside emerging artists, writers and cultural agents. One of our major aims is to make sure that no one at EGEU is constrained by the outcome of their work. Rather than a product, we believe that artistic experiment and critique should be taken as parts of a process. If art and culture ought to be free, then they must not be limited to any pre-determined worthiness. So as artists. In an era when everything is labeled, categorized and reproducible, as if born mature, we look forward to securing that there is always space to start again. Instead of attempting to introduce artists to the market and institutional spaces, EGEU intends to oppose that logic by being a space available for those who seek one (and are frequently unable to find it). Challenging, criticizing, tracing new paths, EGEU […]
R. do Funchal 1A, 1000-163 Lisboa, Portugal