98B COLLABoratory is an artist-run initiative and space in Manila, Philippines. We are a community + network + library + kitchen + shop. The idea is to have a setting where artists and creative individuals from other disciplines can interact and work together while presenting art, design and creativity in different ways; be it a talk, a bazaar, a publication, a meal or a simple gathering. It is a multi-disciplinary art laboratory that seeks to establish a convergence with artists, designers, curators, writers, musicians, film makers, activists, educators, researchers, cultural workers, performers, architects and students together with the general public. Brief Background 98B was established in January 2012 by Mark Salvatus (visual artist) and Mayumi Hirano (curator and researcher) as a response to the need for alternative venues in Manila. Salvatus opened up his studio and residence to respond to this dearth; 98B is his address. July of 2012 provided us with an opportune playground to frolic in – Escolta, Manila. Marika Constantino (visual artist and curator), Gabriel Villegas (magazine art director) together with 98B’s Founders, direct the team’s various programs and activities towards creative sharing, discussion and collaboration. The 98B Team has ten founding members and is currently run by seven members […]
413 Escolta St, Philippines
A short description of the initiative by its initiators will appear here shortly.
2289 Pasong Tamo Extension, UPRC III Building, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines 1231