WYKWIT is a place of artistic activity and exhibition. It came to be out of the potential of the cellar space in the post-German mansion we inhabit. The creators of WYKWIT are inhabitants of the house. The building on the Aleja Kochanowskiego street dates back to roughly 1900 and was erected in the Wilhelmsruh district. Back then Wroclaw was the German Breslau. Currently, the house is in a quite dilapidated condition. The original furnishing outside is damaged in many places. Inside there are many brutal rearrangements made by countless tenants. The mansion is surrounded by a large garden. WYKWIT is opposite to a typical white-cube arrangement. Projects presented in WYKWIT should consider its potential, specific and/or contexts. Parallel to the WYKWIT’s activities of an art gallery WARSTWY (Layers) have born- a concept-experimental project focusing its activity on intervention in already existing situation and playing with it. WYKWIT consists of: Karolina Balcer Michal Kamiński Martyna Muth Krzysztof Rubach Janusz Czyżewicz Layers (Adam Martyniak, Michał Mejnartowicz, Karolina Włodek)
Kochanowskiego 21, Wroclaw, Poland