Event Venue
Harzer Str. 39, 12059 Berlin, Germany
Show us projects that combine different materials in unique and interesting ways. Win prizes from Modulor to choose from their huge selection of professional art supplies and get featured in ArtConnect’s Magazine as well as Modulor’s own magazine for creatives.
How do materials inspire you and enter into your artistic process? What combinations of materials excite you? Show us projects that you think combine materials in fascinating ways.
This open call is created especially with the new school year in mind and is open to students registered at art schools in Europe. Projects may be either digital or analog as long as they incorporate and highlight at least two materials in combination or juxtaposition.
We want to make it possible for you to take some risks and experiment with new materials and that’s why we developed this open call together with Modulor.
1 x First prize winner will receive:
1 x 150 euro voucher redeemable at Modulor’s online store
2 x Runners-up will receive:
1 x 50 euro voucher redeemable at Modulor’s online store
All three projects will be:
Featured in ArtConnect Magazine
Featured in Modulor’s Online Magazine
Have their work shared on both Modulor and ArtConnect’s social media to an audience of art lovers, professionals, and collectors
*Currently enrolled as a student in a fine art program in Europe
*An up-to-date ArtConnect artist profile
*Publish the work as a Project on ArtConnect with max. 10 images or one audiovisual sample (max duration 5 min.)
*Describe how this project is related to the theme of material hybrids.
Visit us on ArtConnect for more information and to apply!
Application deadline: November 1, 2020 — 23:59 CEST
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