Start: April 21, 2023
12:00 am
End: May 15, 2023
12:00 am

Event Venue

R. Almeida e Sousa, Lisbon, Portugal

Apply for the artist in residence program at Hypercube.

Attend to summer art residency in Lisbon. At the end of your residency period also get the chance of having a solo exhibition at Hypercube Space.

Hypercube Space is an artist run project space and studio area established in 2020 in Lisbon. Located in Campo de Ourique area surrounded by parks, peaceful outdoor areas, cafes and restaurants in the heart of Lisbon.

HYPERCUBE Space is a non-profit experimental art space founded by artist, Özge Topçu. It is dedicated to curating and hosting projects that further understanding the relationship between space, science, and sociology. (Please see the official website:

Artist-in-residence program at Hypercube Space give the artist the opportunity to work in Lisbon, providing 30 metersquare working space and assist the artists for their production. During the residency, artist will be enabled to explore Lisbon’s art field and international community, different cultures, and experiment with unique practises belongs to Portugal.

During the residency, Hypercube space offers free open studio event, hosts workshops created by the artist, studio visits, social media communications, assistance, museum and gallery visits and introductions to the other professionals.

Please not that AIR Hypercube Space doesn’t offer accommodation, stipend or production budget. Artist will be responsible for their travel, such as flight tickets, accommodation and daily stipends.

Check the application on the link:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to raise it to

Fees & Tickets
Monthly fee
500.00 €

HyperCube Project Space

Transdisciplinary interaction
HyperCube is an artist-run project space that researches the innovative possibilities between alternative art spaces, and artists' and scientists' interactions…