Event Venue
Simtat Shlush 5, Tel Aviv
The cooperative Alfred Gallery decided to dedicate the year 2018 to the theme of “Vision and Failure“.
By dealing with the chosen subject, Alfred Gallery seeks to expand the field of meanings that are embedded between the words: vision, success, failure, intent and improvisation, and to raise questions about the factors that define these concepts, and to break up centers of power.
The selected exhibitions will be accompanied by performance events, lectures and screenings, and during the summer, a residency program is planned for several artists who will work in the gallery space in cooperation with the audience.
Open Call for lectures, performance events, and video and film screenings
Creators and lecturers from various fields are invited to submit proposals for events that will accompany the exhibitions during the year and which complement the annual theme.
In the series of exhibitions Vision and Failure, Alfred Gallery would like to examine the possible potentials that are inherent to failure: experimental, fragility, weakness, indecision, confusion. We seek to emphasize the bold, the daring and the risk-taking aspects that are inherent to the term failure. Thus, to display a variety of experiences of art making, as well as a variety of possibilities of art viewing.
Applicants are invited to address the questions: Who determines the criteria for measuring success or failure? What are the interactions between the two? Is success related to vision? Are failure and success relative terms? Is there such a thing as absolute failure? Is it possible to consider vision and failure as two situations that require and enable each other?
The proposals should contain a description of the event / lecture / screening, and images or a link to the proposed work or previous works, if the work has not yet been completed.
You can send us video art works that relate to the subject. The selected works will be screened as part of a video art screening event.
Deadlines: Jan 31, 2018
Contact us: alfred.hecht@gmail.com