Start: January 1, 2021
12:00 am
End: February 20, 2021
12:00 am

Event Venue

Simtat Shlush 5, Tel Aviv

In 2020, reality shook. Opposing forces of slowing and momentum work simultaneously and warp the senses of time and space. As a result of our inability to perceive the present and plan the future, we are expected to adapt, to develop coping mechanisms, to break habits and paradigms – to a constant movement in a continuous present.

For the 2021 exhibition season, we invite creators to submit proposals dealing with the idea of “Present Continuous” as an artistic interpretation or as an actual action resonating to the future. We want to present artistic trials centering on uncertainty as a guiding principle:

Ideas that facilitate a system of internal rules and logic and that may influence the exhibition’s duration and meaning; proposals dealing with uncertainty in the exhibition’s space and duration context, encouraging live simultaneous occurrences both in the exhibition and in the virtual space.

Recommended reading

Proposals should be sent as 1 PDF file to before February 20th, 2021.

For more details and gallery space layout


The proposal should include:

  • Project description and demonstration mean.

  • Preferrable display period: (April-June / July-September / October-December)

  • How the element of time will be manifested in the exhibition.

  • How the gallery space will be used
    (A preference would be given to site-specific projects).

  • Rights and Obligations:

  • Alfred Institute is a cooperative gallery whose artists pay a monthly membership fee and share the responsibility for the different aspects of its’ operation.

  • When you exhibit in Alfred or use the space in any other means, you join us for a while as temporary cooperative members. We provide you with the knowledge we have accumulated, share our budget with you, and ask for your participation in the costs.

  • Alfred provides presenting artists with graphic design services, public relations (press releases, translations, and journalists notifications). As well as a professional photo stills documentation of the gallery installation.

  • Each exhibition or act receives a budget.
    Participating artists are asked to take part in the gallery’s expenses.

  • Amounts detailed below relate to a 1-month exhibition. If the exhibition or action is shorter in duration, the amounts would be reduced accordingly.

Each exhibition will receive:

  • 1000 ILS for events.

  • 150 ILS for events’ refreshments.

  • Printed texts and a laser-cut window decal.

  • Costs for participating in a 1-month exhibition in Alfred Gallery:

  • 1200 ILS for a group exhibition divided between participating artists.

  • 800 ILS for a duo exhibition divided between participating artists.

  • 600 ILS for a solo exhibition

Throughout the exhibition, each artist must fulfill at least three 4-hour shifts at the gallery.We recommend participating artists to take as many shifts as possible while their exhibition is showing.

Banner image:
Liat Danieli, “The singing of the drones”, wildflowers garden, sitar, bees. 2020, photographer: Yotam Eytan.

Fees & Tickets

ALFRED – Cooperative Art Institute

Alfred Cooperative Institute for Art & Culture is an alternative art space – home to an active and vibrant artist…