Start: April 2, 2021
12:00 am
End: April 2, 2022
12:00 am

Event Venue

Mälarvarvsbacken 32, 117 33 Stockholm, Sweden

Slipvillan aims to involve the artists-in-residence in public interaction, initiating both aesthetic and philosophical conversations, and they welcome a variety of artistic positions. Artist-talk, presentation or exhibition will be encouraged in connection to the stay.

Slipvillan has housed cultural activities since 2007. The AIR began in 2020 and is open to international artists, curators and speakers as a working place for periods of one to six months.

Duration: 1 to 6 months

Cost: 3 300 – 6 300 Swedish crowns per month.

Size of spaces: 19, 13 and 10 sqm.

Housing with other provider

Paid by artist

Application guidelines:

Send your to application to: air(a), including:

  • a project description (maximum one page) about what you plan to do during your stay
  • six examples of your work
  • CV
  • preferred period

Send to:

Application to AIR at Slipvillan has a rolling deadline. We accept your application at any time.

Slipvillan is following and adjusting to the official Covid guidelines.

Fees & Tickets

SLIPVILLAN – Artist in Residence

In the heart of Stockholm

Slipvillan aims to involve the artists-in-residence in public interaction, initiating both aesthetic and philosophical conversations, and they welcome a variety of artistic positions. Artist-talk, presentation or exhibition will be…