Event Venue
Ιωάννη Δροσοπουλου 47
Snehta wants to open its doors to twelve (12) contemporary art practitioners to live and work in Athens for two months during the winter, spring and summer periods in 2019 and 2020: *There are four subsequent deadlines for each residency period.
- October- November
(Deadline 30th June 2019 12:00 pm)
- January – February
(Deadline 17th September 2019, 12:00 pm)
3.March – April
(Deadline 17th November 2019, 12:00 pm)
4.May – June
(Deadline 17th January 2020, 12:00 pm)
An established Athens-based curator will work with each artist throughout their stay and support their research and the realization of their exhibition.
Snehta is supported by Outset Contemporary Art Fund (Greece). Additionally for the first time the program will join forces with @Onassis Air residency program in Athens. The two programs will share their resources such as work-spaces, equipment, as well as program specific activities (workshops, talks, screenings, and other public events). The goal is to create a common community of peers between the two programs. Also, more thematic and contextual activities will include a joint collaboration of both program with the Athens School of Fine Art, co-curation of the 2nd episode of the Expanded Publishing Workshop Series, as well as other joint actions and experiments.
Guidelines and the application form can be found at:
With the support of Outset Contemporary Art Fund (Greece)
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