Start: October 28, 2020
12:00 am
End: December 7, 2020
11:59 pm

Event Venue

Leeds UK


Walter Benjamin claimed that “story telling is always the art of repeating stories”. Stories repeated around the fire, passed on and amended through generations. Stories made into other stories, plays, poems, films. Adaptation as repetition or retelling; as translation or interpretation; as remaking for changed circumstances; as context shifting.
Linda Hutcheon writes against negative conceptions of adaptation in A Theory of Adaptation. For her, adaptation is “repetition, but repetition without replication”, and “always involves both (re)interpretation and then (re)creation”.

We invite submissions that consider ideas of adaptation for our Issue 8,

Please submit via our email address with ‘Submission, [your name, work title]’ as the subject heading, and use WeTransfer for large files.
If you have a question, include ‘QUERY’ in the subject heading.

Include a brief description of the submission (no more than 100 words).

1000 words for text
40 lines for poetry
5 images (unless part of an image series with minimal text)
Audio-visual submissions (including music and film) are recommended up to 4 minutes, but may be accepted up to 10 minutes.

Fees & Tickets
Free of charge


Soanyway is an independent online magazine, providing a platform for work that tells stories using any combination of words, images and sounds.

The title…