Start: August 1, 2020
12:00 am
End: August 8, 2020
12:00 am

Event Venue

1543 burden lake rd

Artists. Musicians. Thinkers. Writers. Makers. Scientists. Architects. Dreamers.


Arts Letters & Numbers is a place of creative urgency, a place to create new linkages and pathways of understanding in an interdisciplinary environment. It is a place where people come together to co-construct questions and works, empathy, ethics and imagination.


Located between woods, lakes, and the industrial architecture of Upstate New York, artists evolve their practice in tranquility and proximity to nature. With the freedom to shape a workspace in the historic Faith Mills complex and the ability to work outdoors, the Residency cultivates a space not only for individual explorations but also collaborations, shared dinners, community gatherings and bonfire conversations as other dimensions of the creative process. 

The Residency is a space for individuals and groups to create new works while developing meaningful relationships with other artists. Artists and thinkers from all disciplines are welcomed to explore their practice and are given the opportunity to initiate discussions, exhibitions, performances, film screenings, or workshops to invite others to experience their in-progress or completed works. While none of the above is required, sharing has proven to be an integral tool for artists to find inspiration and to allow others 


Arts Letters & Numbers relies on a unique community of committed local friends. More than being audience for the works, they have been actors, actresses, critics, hosts, and continuous supporters of the arts and the programs. Arts Letters & Numbers is not only constructed by those who are directly involved in its day to day operation, fellows, residents, participants, visiting artists and local community members, it continues to be built by everyone who walks through the door. This aspect of Arts Letters & Numbers is fundamental. When people are free to act, interact, and support one another, new works and ideas emerge.



Arts Letters & Numbers was founded in 2011. At that point the Summer Workshop was the driving force of the organization. When the facilities grew so did the program. In 2015 the first Artist in Residence arrived.



The Artist in Residence Program consists of 4 seasons.

Winter: Dec 1 – Feb 23

Spring: March 1 – May 24

Summer: June 1 – August 24

September 1 – November 24


Residencies may be from 1 week to 12 weeks and all weeks has to be within one season.



Shared accommodation sleeps 2 to 4 people $225/week

Private accommodation $325/week

Couples accommodation $425/week

Day Residency – no accommodation included: $75/week


The Day Residency is for commuting Residents only. The artists will, just like any other artist in the program, have access to all working facilities. 



Arts Letters & Numbers facilities are a collection of buildings once part of the former textile complex Faith Mills along Burden Lake Road in Averill Park, NY: the House on the Hill, the Twins, the Barn, the Studios and the Shop. With a variety of different sized studio spaces, a wooden barn and the outdoor grounds, we welcome artists to think of these spaces at sites they can work with and within. 


The shop is equipped with basic woodworking tools and an assortment of power and hand tools. Additional equipment are digital media, musical instruments including a 9’ concert grand piano, a 5’ baby grand and upright piano all available for artists to use.



Artists in residence are accommodated in the House on the Hill or the Twins with shared kitchen, bathrooms and communal spaces. Although residents are responsible for their own meals, it is always encouraged that everyone in the house gathers to cook and share dinners together, or prepare dishes for the community events. Everyone staying at Arts Letters & Numbers is expected to treat the facilities with care and consideration as well as be mindful of each other’s space. Whether it’s in a living or working situation, everyone is responsible to clean up after themselves, and to lend a helping hand when needed. Arts Letters & Numbers is based on the value and reward derived from communal efforts. 



Because each artist’s studio needs differ, each artist is encouraged to find the best possible working space for their time here. All of the spaces are shared and no private studios are offered.



There is a limited number of Scholarships available with partial reduction of the residency fee. Scholarships are only considered for applicants for whom this is crucial for their participation in the program, and require a separate application. 



Artists are expected to pursue their individual creative endeavor and many times this calls for leading a workshop, giving a lecture, sharing a film, partake in critique, exhibiting/performing work etc. These are optional but has proven to be an integral tool for artists to find inspiration and to allow others to experience the works in progress or previous works. The artist will be encouraged to propose any form of sharing suitable for their work.  



Monday afternoon: T-time; serious casual conversations in the ‘Shack in the Back’, making linkages with other minds through critical enquiries, abstractions and thoughts. 


Tuesday Evening: Ping Pong gathering; potluck dinner and ping pong at various houses in the local community


Friday Morning: Liver and Onions; very casual conversations with the local community over potluck breakfast


The third Thursday of the month: 3rd Thursday a public event where residents, fellows and the community are invited to exhibit/perform/share their works in an informal setting with focus on personal interactions. 


Other possible happenings: Opportunities of sharing in progress or completed works, as well as sharing of influences and references through; talks, exhibitions, performances, workshops, dinners, excursions etc.



Throughout the year Arts Letters & Numbers will hold programs in parallel to the residency program, each of these have to be applied for independently of the residency. 



Apply at


Work samples are required for evaluating applications. The application form asks for a website, but if the works are not on a website, samples in pdf format can be sent directly to:



Applications are reviewed within 14days post deadline. Any questions regarding the application can be sent to:



Arts Letters & Numbers

1543 Burden Lake Road, 

Averill Park, NY, 12018

+1 518 712 5462

Fees & Tickets

Arts Letters & Numbers

  Arts Letters & Numbers (ALN) is a non-profit arts and education organization dedicated to fostering creative exchanges across a broad…