Start: January 1, 2022
12:00 am
End: February 15, 2022
11:59 pm

Event Venue

Leuschnerdamm 19, 10999 Berlin

Exhibition 1 April – 20 May, 2022; Application deadline 15 February, 2022

In 2022, Group Global 3000 is starting the exhibition Transformation. We are calling for applications from artists in our international call. This is the first part of a vision in our back-to-back exhibitions Transformation and The Good Life.

The euphoria of technological progress is over. We can see that unlimited growth does not fit to a limited earth. We are already experiencing the first answers from the natural world. The dream of endless growth is coming to an end and at best leads to transformation.

By transformation, we mean the process that leads globally to a good life for people and sustainable use of natural resources. We see social and cultural change as feasible, because we have the economic, technical, and scientific prerequisites. Yet this life is difficult to imagine for most people. Convention stands in the way of transformation.

We want to show the picture of the good life in the future. A framework has been sketched out by economists and natural scientists: Sufficiency reduces production and consumption, efficiency uses material and energy more productively, and consistency includes nature-friendly material cycles, recycling and waste avoidance. The value of nature appears in the overall economic calculations. The gap between rich and poor is closed. The economy is transformed into one of post-growth. We live in a way that is fit for our grandchildren.

The vision of social change and a sustainable and good life gives us strength for the journey towards change. Thus, transformation is also an aesthetic project. The necessary changes require the creativity of the entire society. The potential of art lies precisely in opening up new spaces for thoughts and making transformation imaginable.


Woman on grass bench, (C) Tom Albrecht, 2009, Berlin Open Call „Transformation“

Woman on grass bench, (C) Tom Albrecht, 2009, Berlin

Application deadline 15 February, 2022

(A second call for applications for “The Good Life” will follow.)

With this open call, we invite artists worldwide to submit contributions to the theme described above for a group exhibition in our exhibition space.

Disciplines: object, sculpture, installation, photography, painting, drawing, printmaking, video, audio works (music, sound, or speech), as well as performance or writing works are all welcome.

Our online application form is not tailored to applications of writing-based works. Only in this case, please email your application materials and files to

Performative contributions such as performances, VJs, readings, or the like, are welcome for the vernissage, artist talk, or finissage.

Application: Individual artists or artist groups can apply online with a maximum of three artworks. It is also possible to submit multi-part artworks, such as picture series or installations. These can be submitted in the application form under “Documentation of the work in PDF or DOC” with a PDF or DOC file.

We expect that artists submit artworks that are relevant and clearly reflect the theme described above.

We offer: Exhibition space with equipment and bar. We advertise by email, on various websites, on social media as well as through web and print flyers. We take over the organization of an accompanying program, consisting of a professional lecture and other events revolving around the exhibition. We take over the organization of the artwork texts, and document all exhibited works.

Organizational Information: We do not take any fee for application, exhibition, etc. We are a free, self-organized artist-run project space, we work on a voluntary basis. For artworks sent by post, we ask senders to include return postage. Unfortunately, there is no budget for production, further technical equipment, transport, or insurance.

The gallery space is lockable with cylinder locks on the entrance door, an additional entrance grille, and grating on the basement windows. However, there can be no guarantees against burglary. We professionally supervise the exhibition but are not liable for damage or theft.

International artworks: Unfortunately, we cannot accept parcels from non-EU countries. The processing and communication effort is too great, the shipping time is too long, and it is too difficult to deliver to Berlin on time.
However, we are happy to accept letters and videos from non-EU countries.

Artist presence: (depending on current Corona rules): The presence for artists living in or near Berlin is desired for vernissage and the artist talk as well as supervision of the gallery for at least one evening of opening hours.

Corona crisis: Since the Corona crisis requires restrictions for the unforeseeable future, we will adjust the exhibition organization and program accordingly. We plan for an in-gallery and digital presentation, a commented video tour, an online gallery, online conversations, and events.

We expect good cooperation and agreement to the GG3- Rules.

Sustainable art: We are working on sustainable production ourselves. It is important for us to create awareness that artmaking also leaves its mark on the environment, so we look forward to artworks that are produced sustainably. In numerous workshops we have collected practical tips for you on how to deal with materials and energy. In our collection you will find many tips and texts about practical sustainability in artaking. The evaluation is still left to the individual jury members.

Click here for the online application form

Fees & Tickets
Free of charge

Group Global 3000

We work as a group Global Global 3000 since…