Welcome onboard the Artist-Run Alliance!

We invite you to create your initiative's profile page and join the ever-growing network of artist-run initiatives around the world. Use this form to share all there is to know about your artist-run initiative, its vision, and its story. It will take us around 2–3 working days to process the data and send you a username and password for logging-in to the network. Once logged-in, you are all set and ready to start uploading your time-related content and activities using these two separate forms for open-calls and for public events. We’re looking forward to getting to know your initiative and to helping you share it with fellow initiatives and indie art lovers around the world!

Fields marked * are mandatory.

General Details

Contact Details

Opening Days / Hours

Please leave empty all the days your initiative is closed for visitors
Opening Policy

Logo & Images

Logo image
Please upload a JPG/PNG/PDF (preferable in vector format) image not heavier than 1 MB
Gallery images
You may upload up to 5 more JPG/PNG images, 800–2500px wide and not heavier than 1 MB

Initative Definitions

Select all definitions and practices relevant to your Initiative
Note:   Only check 'Space-Swap' if you are interested in our Space-Swap program

Initative Structure

Select all structural definitions relevant to your Initiative
Show/hide terms