In collaboration with Inca Town hall and Inquietart artist association. We run a contemporary art festival in the center of Mallorca island. It’s a plural itinerary where one can discover different disciplines and artworks displayed in public and private spaces. The next edition will take place on May 2020, the open call is usually in January or February. INCART was created 13 years ago in Inca, Mallorca, as an initiative of a group of people related to art. The association Inquietart and the Cultural Area of the City Council of Inca, give life to a project through an open call for creators to present their proposals for the different spaces. És un itinerari plural a on l’art es mostra a partir de les seves múltiples disciplines a diferents espais, tant públics com privats, de la ciutat d’Inca. La propera edició tindra lloc el Maig de 2020, la convocatoria de projectes es a principis d’any. INCART es va gestar fa 13 anys a Inca, Mallorca, com a iniciativa d’un grup de persones vinculades amb l’art, l’objectiu de la qual era acostar l’art al ciutadà. L’associació d’artistes Inquietart, juntament amb l’Àrea de Cultura de l’Ajuntament d’Inca, donen vida a un […]
Plaça sant Domingo 2, 07300 Inca, Mallorca, Spain
Espai sant marc AIR is a residency programme in Sineu which offers accommodation and studio space for visual artists, and facilitates meetings with the local community. Sant marc organises public presentations and open studios in the residency space and produces group exhibitions in collaboration with other institutional spaces and festivals. Most of the projects are done on-site, sometimes graphic art editions are made in the graphic art atelier. The aim of sant marc is to support contemporary creation and develop collaborative networks. There is no open call, but proposals from artists and curators are accepted on an ongoing basis, together with exchanging collaborations with other artists’ initiatives.
Es Mercadal 3, 07510 Sineu, Mallorca Spain