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Grochowska 301/305, Warsaw, Poland
OPENART is a contemporary public art biennial taking place for three summer months in Örebro, Sweden. The city center is temporarily transformed into a huge outdoor art arena creating unconventional encounters between the art and the audience. Participating artists are working outside the traditional frames with an opportunity to work big, outdoors and temporary. The exhibition invites a broad and curious audience to experience the art without an admission fee and regardless if they are acquainted with art or not.
Stångjärnsgatan 6, SE70363, Örebro, Sweden
Institut for (X) is a culture, business and education platform founded in 2009. It is an independent and not-for-profit culture association arising from citizen initiatives. The (X) is continuously redefined by the members of the platform, which include: 250 + active members 90 studios & workshops 50 businesses 25 associations The outdoor spaces and park areas are public and we invite everyone to use and co-produce them. Mission: Best possible neighborhood for all. Facilitate and enhance cultural activities, combining artistic creativity with business, public debate and public education. A dynamic organization and a laboratory for urban experiments, where initiatives grow organically. Organization: Everyone at (X) pay rent and organize through neighborhood meetings. The administration is reduced to an absolute minimum, and everybody are janitors. The platform produces events and products of cultural and commercial nature, with an estimated yearly turnover of DKK 20 mill.
Skovgaardsgade 5C, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark
L’AiR Arts is a grass-roots non profit association with a mission of supporting intercultural and artistic exchange through providing international artist residency opportunities. Our programs bring together artists, researchers, arts professionals and arts supporters of different nationalities and backgrounds with the aim to foster creativity and artistic practice, while promoting inclusion, diversity and international understanding through arts and cultural heritage.
Paris, France
E T A J is an artist-run space, a catalyst that focuses on the efficiency of the contemporary artistic object within the local context. Some artists have grouped themselves into the idea of conceiving a cultural cell. Through their journey, but also in their connection there is no conventional model. Whether it is a group exhibition, a solo one or other events originated here, the principles of the artistic practice and a sense of authenticity are those guiding the initial collective actions at E T A J.
George Enescu Str 43, Bucharest, Romania
BOOT AIR is the name of an artist-in-residence program located in the town of Nishiaizu in Fukushima, Japan. Located in the north west corner of the prefecture, Nishiaizu is surrounded by a vast landscape of mountains, rivers, and farmland. The artist-in-residence program is part of the Nishiaizu International Art Village; a half-century old wooden school building that has been transformed into a gallery, workshop, and cultural gathering space. All types of artists (visual artists, designers, musicians, performers, cooks, architects, engineers, etc…) are welcomed to apply for the program regardless of stature (professional, amateur, student). The program’s key concepts involve: (1) sustainable community, (2) learning from traditional environmental culture, (3) recreating an environmental symbiosis lifestyle, and (4) revitalizing the depopulated community through cultural exchange. It is for this reason that we ask applicants to submit a short proposal of what they wish to work on and how it can relate to the community of Nishiaizu. Nishiaizu is ideal for artists who would like a quiet and natural atmosphere to concentrate and create while being open to learning and inspiration from the rich culture, customs, and people of a local rural community in Japan.
5752 Ueno Hara Michi Ue, Sasagawa, Shingou, Nishiaizu-town, Yama-gun
Artopus collective is a group of 13 interdisciplinary artists based in Tel Aviv, Israel. We share a studio space, produce exhibitions, workshops, lectures and cultural events within that space. Artopus aims to invite the public to explore their own creativity and get to know the local artists working in their midst.
Simtat Beit HaBad 3, Tel Aviv
This Delray Beach CRA rehabilitated warehouse located on Artist Alley in the Pineapple Grove district is an Arts Incubator space for artist residencies, arts education, community-based arts projects, as well as exhibitions, events and talks focused on Contemporary Art. The Arts Warehouse provides developmental programs & assistance to visual artists locally, nationally and internationally. Resident & Affiliate Artist have 24 hour facility access.
313 NE 3rd Street, Delray Beach, Florida, 33444
Phoenix Athens is a non-profit art gallery and residency in Athens that provides workshops and opportunities for local and international creatives to develop and showcase their practice in Greece. As a venue for art appreciation and education, Phoenix Athens also explores the innovative ways in which artists, thinkers and designers contribute to the well-being of societies and help to regenerate hope in communities. We provide local and international creatives to come and develop their professional practice within the dynamic community of Neapoli-Exarcheia in Athens through our residency program: Villa Exarcheia. We review residency applications to this program on an ongoing basis, and welcome proposals for collectives and academics to live, work and stay in this wonderful city. As both an artist and the director of Phoenix Athens, I am interested in collaborating with artists, designers and other members of the The Artist-Run Alliance who share a vital interest in transforming and benefitting societies through art and design. For more information about the program, please contact me directly at director@phoenixathens.org Best, Dimitri Yin
87 Asklipiou 11472, Athens, Greece
Berlinskej Model is a non-profit gallery based in art district Holešovice, Prague, Czech Republic. Berlinskej Model has been founded in 2011 and it’s known as a meeting point for the current art scene, crossing borders of the local district, genres and generations. The gallery is also organizing workshops, talks, discussion panels, concerts and regularly issuing art magazine RAJON. Berlinskej Model mainly focuses on contemporary art overlapping in political and social involved activism. Berlinskej Model runs exhibitions once per week, presenting every new artist on Wednesdays only. The show is on just for one night only, so it’s an opening and a closing ceremony in one, including a meal cooked by the exhibiting artist.
Pplk. Sochora 1387/9, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, CZ
[gP] is an artist collective living and working from Lincoln, UK. Promoting exchange with wider artist led initiatives nationally and internationally [gP] seeks to stimulate a critical discourse, and sustain an engaged visual arts culture in the city through the programming of exhibitions, events and workshops. With an emphasis on a fluid and experimental approach, gP encourages a diverse range of artistic practices that are developed collectively. Within the core group of approximately 10 artists there are on-going collaborations with more specific interests such as Curio, Mulch, Angry Gang, GAST, Reel and KAC which extend into the wider artistic community, incorporating contributions from practitioners in other locales. This collaborative ethos is clearly demonstrated through our workshop practice too; continuing to encourage collective exploration of creative subjects, blurring the line between workshop facilitators and workshop attendees.
Akrill House25 Clasketgate, Lincoln LN2 1JJ
Visual Artist Unit is a voluntary run, artist-led art collective. Set up in 2014 by 8 graduates from Gray’s School of Art (Aberdeen) and Duncan of Jordanstone (Dundee), VAU commits itself to the dual aims of supporting early-career artists based in Scotland and improving public engagement and access to contemporary art to wider public audiences. Graduate, early-career and emerging artists can join VAU’s Artist Membership programme, which aims to provide a wide-ranging support for artists to develop and sustain their practices in day to day life. VAU runs a yearly public engagement programme, hosting a range of exciting and innovative exhibitions, workshops, talks, commissions and events across Scotland which our members are invited to participate in for professional development experiences. These activities aim to build bridges between artists and the public, helping to improve access and engagement in contemporary art for all.
4 Rogart St. Glasgow, G40 2AA
a-space is an artist-run gallery and artist collective that supports aspiring new artists from around the world. Our platform enables young artists to participate in international art fairs, solo and group exhibitions in Switzerland and abroad. We at a-space believe in trustworthy partnership. We offer artists support in a variety of practical ways, make them a vital part of the gallery and embed them in our network.
Habich- Dietschy-Strasse 18, 4310 Rheinfelden AG, Switzerland
Nulobaz artist group has gathered and started to work in the recent year out of a growing need to have a space that allows freedom for creative, original, independent work. The group aims to create a rich and deep internal exchange that will expand outwards; to become an active agency within the context of the gallery’s surrounding environment, the art world, as well as broader cultural spheres. The space will serve as a platform for solo exhibitions of the group members, group exhibition with different themes, guest artists and curators, video and performance nights, music shows, workshops, cultural events, and even a small gallery shop.
19 Zvulun Street, Tel Aviv, Israel
Studio Residencies at Con Artist Collective The residencies at Con Artist Collective are short-term curated 60-day studio stays culminating in a special week-long showcase gallery exhibition. They are either seasonal, or based upon a particular medium. Our jurors are often NYC creatives, art luminaries, past members, and friends and family of the collective that are up to exciting things in their respective fields. You’ll sit down with each juror from the cycle for exclusive feedback socials. ALL STUDIOS RESIDENCIES ARE FREE TO APPLY TO // $300 a month for 60 days of 24 hour access PLEASE NOTE STUDIO TIME AND EXHIBITION DATES.
119 Ludlow St New York, NY 10002 USA
Neverland Artspace is an alternative space for a multinational network of artists and curators based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The artspace aims to spark your curiosity and provide a playground for learning through various media platforms that include exhibitions, workshops, talks, social arts and performing arts. Neverland also houses two permanent studios: n o w h e r e art studio and BL_NK.
Neverland Artspace, No. 172z2 Norodom Boulevard, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Snake House VT is dedicated to supporting underrepresented artists through exhibitions, performances, screenings, and other events and projects. We promote the exchange of ideas through unique programming, embracing work that presents challenging and provocative contemporary content that is outside of, or directly eschews, the predominant commercial system. Recognizing that many existing systems of power, including arts organizations, grant privilege and access unequally, we seek to engage with artists and their work without regard to, and with respect of, their race, class, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity & expression, geography, citizenship status, religion and mental or physical ability. We love discourse that disposes of patriarchal and antiquated hegemonies, and the radical notion that art can be a space for equity and difficulty, quiet success and epic failure. We also love a good sense of humor. Our projects include Single Channel VT which explores the moving image and time based media through Artist Curated Screenings and an Annual Video Festival. Artist Curated Screenings highlight the history, practitioners, and genres of the moving image and time based media. Each event showcases the work of an artist who also presents the work of another artist they are inspired by, or in conversation with. […]
Burlington, VT, USA
The origins of artspring berlin The history of artspring berlin begins in 2017. Inspired by the desire to establish a district-wide weekend of open studios in Pankow, artspring berlin was brought into being. The main goal was to improve the visibility of artistic production and to locate work spaces for the interested audience. In a constantly growing district like Pankow, the studios and their artists are constantly threatened by gentrification and displacement. History & History The artspring berlin festival Since 2019, artspring berlin has been organizing an art festival in which more than 400 artists and cultural workers take part every year. For a whole month, both well-known and unexpected places in Pankow become a stage for a diverse cultural program. As a highlight, many artists open their doors to the public during the open studio days. Digital expansion In parallel to the physical festival, artspring berlin also has a growing digital presence. Live streams, discussion rounds and specially produced video contributions expand the reach of the festival far beyond Berlin and thus create new access for an international audience. Our commitment to art and culture In addition to the exhibition and event program in municipal and private galleries, artspring […]
Schwedter Str. 232, 10435 Berlin, Germany