Event Venue
(Casa de Cultura de San Lorenzo) Calle Floridablanca, 3, 28200 San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid, Spain
an exhibition of works from GLOBAL ART FRAG PROJECT created via the exchange of collage, and assemblage materials, starts, suggestions, discards and ephemera between members of GAP, an international collaborative cooperative of more than 60 members working in 17 countries.
The exhibition includes results of the Frag Exchange Project as well as works created collaboratively in GAP residencies, (Italy, Mexico, Senegal) during collaborative studio sessions in Belgium and California as well as examples from the GAP artists’ book series DISLOCATIONS all originating from frags (fragments) and developed into original works by the recipient in several of the myriad ways in which collaboration processes can be manifest allowing investigation into new ways to create; eliminating preciousness and attachment that connects artists in ways that might otherwise not exist.