10dence gallery presents, creates, explores, nurtures and promotes the art that happens when connections are made and knowledge is shared – across the boundaries of the established art-world institutions and their markets. Artist run 10dence gallery currently represents an international selected group of 15 artists in an alternative manner, organizing exhibition projects within the Netherlands and Belgium. 10dence gallery is coordinated and curated by the Dutch multi-disciplinary artist Ron Weijers. His artistic and organizational involvement with 10dence gallery within international operating art communities, networks and art platforms offer an inspiring asset to the art practices of all involved. His collaboration with GAP – Global Art Project as run by founder and curator Carl Heyward would be a highly inspiring example. GAP is an international network of mixed media artists who collaborate, research, develop, inspire, tease, trigger, communicate and exhibit together. One of the most intriguing aspects he became confronted by within his collaboration with GAP would be his involvement within the frag collaboration process. Mixed-media works derived from the exchange between members of GAP, relinquishing responsibility or ownership going beyond the original intention of an image or idea broken down into fragments (frags) resulting in a deconstruction, a re-ordering of the visual universe into new ways of seeing. frags or the fragments, the raw materials that might become elements of mixed-media collages or paintings… torn found papers, billboard tearings, fabric, found shopping lists, photos and negatives, discarded canvas and throw-aways that are given new life by another artist who incorporates these raw materials into something new; a pretty intriguing way to collaborate via the mail and internet as well as in-person. So far, GAP has generated numerous workshops, exhibitions and collaborative studio experiences in Venice, Lecce and Treviso Italy, Mazatlan, Mexico and San Francisco, Mill Valley, Benicia, Sausalito and Novato California as well as upcoming projects in Senegal and Belgium. Their work reflects individual, personal and global concerns by virtue of intention. They are creating and exhibiting work that allows freedom of expression by the very opportunity to communicate beyond language and culture with diverse artists from all over the world while remaining open to the opportunities of the moment accessed through this circumstance in settings allowing interaction not only with each other but the local arts community as well.

10dence gallery currently works with the following artists: Akiko Suzuki – Japan, Peter Kohl – Austria, Anneke Hodel-Onstein – Austria, Barbara Kroll – Germany, Larisa Sjoerds – the Netherlands, Marc Janssens – Belgium, Massimo Nota – Italy, Bojidar Toneff – Bulgaria, Carl Heyward – USA, Susumu Ohira – Japan,  Frans van Viegen – the Netherlands, Marco Cotroneo – Italy, Vered Gersztenkorn – Israel, Svetla Radulova – Bulgaria, Michael Oberlik – Austria, Romeo Battisti – Italy, Ron Weijers – the Netherlands




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Gravenstraat 333311 BC Dordrecht, Netherlands

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