We are a group of artists that opened a self-funded, egalitarian, clique-free and non-profit gallery in the heart of the sooty southern Tel-Aviv. The vision of Binyamin Gallery is to offer a chance to visiting curators (well-known as well as young graduates) and guest artists from Israel and abroad. We created a platform for fresh kick-ass exhibitions.
Binyamin Gallery is managed as a cooperative by its members, all graduates of Israel’s high art institutes in their first decade of artistic activity. We provide a professional network to motivate, guide and promote the monthly collaborators, within the art discourse.
At the time of the gallery inauguration, in March 2011, the group’s manifesto was presented in the exhibition text by the curator, Gilad Melzer (translated freely from Hebrew: “The opening of a cultural institution, as modest as it may be, in Israel of 2011, is not to be taken for granted. Culture, if at all present on the local radar screen of consciousness, is seen as a weak signal, and the weakest of all is that of plastic arts. Thus the opening of a new gallery, by a collective of artists not driven by the pursuit of material gain, but rather looking to create another place in which it will be possible to display, err, taste, mix-up, surprise – is reason enough for a celebration..”
The Gallery artists are: Iris Hassid Segal, Dina Levy, Shlomit Liver, Uri Noam, Tamar Sheaffer, Nava Joy Uzan, Sarit Achtenberg, Mor Shmoshkovitz, Hadassa Cohen, Soha Faroja, Niv Bronstein, Jonathan Levy, Chana Anushik Manhaimer and Avner Pinchover.
- על המקום – אלתור ישראלי – גלריה בנימין. אוצרות: גלינה ארבלי ועדי קרליץ. צילום: דפנה שרתיאל | Al Hamakom, Binyamin Gallery. Curators: Galina Arbeli & Dina Karelitz. Photo: Dafna Sartiel
- שיח גלריה בתערוכה ״פרח ושב מזכרוני״ באוצרות אתי שוורץ, גלריה בנימין | Gallery talk in the exhibition “Slipped My Mind”, curator: Etty Schwartz, Binyamin Gallery
- פתיחת תערוכתה של דינה לוי, ״מחזיקה חזק״. צילום: יונתן לוי | Dina Levy, “Holding Tight”, opening night. Photo: Jay L
- ערב שירה – כלנה – גלריה בנימין | Poetry evening – Kulana – Binyamin Gallery
- תום לנדאו ואלינה אורלוב בתערוכה ״היפרנורמליזציה״, גלריה בנימין | Tom Landau and Alina Orlov in the exihibition “Hypernormalization”, Binyamin Gallery