School of Commons (SoC) is a community-based initiative dedicated to the study and development of self-organized knowledge.
We promote a broad, integrative understanding of knowledge, and focus on matters surrounding the production and mediation of knowledge with a focus on self-organized practices and knowledge decentralization.
Located at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), the content and position of SoC is defined by our community rather than a predetermined program; research is conducted in our three labs (LEARN, MAPP, and READ), all of which are run as peer-based collaborative endeavours with annually changing members.
Our labs bring together a wide range of participants, guests, and contributors who share their curiosity, skills, and visions. We offer personal support, financial resources, and an active community of peers and experts engaged in a wide range of topics.
✨ For more information, check out our website or get in touch!
[email protected]