Kia Ora and hello 🙂

I totally mistook this post as the gallery section… so here we are with photos… enjoy(!) and I hope this doesn’t suddenly dominate your screen..

XCHC is an artist-run initiative started in 2014 to help revive the creative energy after a devastating earthquake in our city, Christchurch NZ. We’ve been considered an incubator, school of life, social/cultural experiment, and social enterprise amongst other things.. all have elements of truth and most still don’t understand wtf we are. Which is how we like it.

This space has brought together thousands of people for connection and appreciation through showcase events, working in the makerspace/shared studios, staying/living here, and simply great coffee & beer.

Our purpose is to Cultivate a Creative Ecology; a result that stems from mixing various levels of experience, creative practices and cultures to achieve 1 common interest; to grow.

It was about 6 years in that we realized 1 space wasnt enough, and a collective formed to start taking over abandoned spaces around our city and creating private, immersive, and intentional nightlife events with other artists.. many who feel they don’t fit into the traditional art world.. probably for the best.

Our work extends across social, environmental, and cultural change while practicing with new tools such as WEB3 and better understanding how other systems work, such as Property, so we can help artists own buildings in cities and reverse the negative effects of gentrification.

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Initiative Definition


Not for Profit

For Profit










Think Tank


Coming Soon