Studioname Leicester C.i.C a not for profit, creative community hub linking the Leicester’s cultural quarter with the St Matthews community. studionAme Leicester C.i.C believes that making art and the ability to be creative are central to the improvement of peoples lives and therefor central to the success of our communities.
Art should not exclude through language or access when it has the ability to set people free by engendering creative thinking and expression.
As artists taking over a post industrial space in a neglected part of the city, it falls upon us to seed new ways of working and living together. No longer reliant on the old broken models but the creators of a truly inclusive, sharing economies, using creative language and skills as our medium of exchange.
Studioname Ltd is based on the 1st floor of 2 Brougham Street. Studios are costed at a flat rate that includes all heating, wifi, water, power and critical support where asked for. All artists have use of the kitchens, toilets and communal areas. The studios are all 24 hour 365 days a year access. Studios have open doors to help foster the cross pollination of ideas and open up a creative discourse between studio members. Studios range in size, from 70 sqft to 1000 sqft but can be shared as collaborative spaces. Studioname offers a support network of group crits, open studio events, shows and the opportunity to grow your practice as part of a dynamic community of practitioners.
Across these two sister organization we run a local and international residency programs, weekly kids art clubs, a project space, attend art fairs and provide community shows and access.
- studioname @ The Affordable Art Fair