The first lockdown has driven us to a fighting spirit. Now, the second one feels more like a great melancholy. We would like to see art and culture as the very elixir of life in society. It should not occur only in Sunday speeches, not only in good times, but also, and especially in difficult times and times of crisis. Culture is a fuel for social development. But with the lockdown, an entire industry is muted without any ado.
We strongly believe that we need culture to bring color and emotional warmth to our everyday life. Hence Window of FAME becomes active and opens its window for female artists.
IMPRINT: Responsible for the content of this website is Tibor Foeldes & Marianne Mettler, founder and curator of the project.
COPYRIGHT: All photos,Video, textes and images contributed to this website are copyright protected. The copyright lies with Window of Fame, Zürich and the corresponding authors. Each use requires the agreement of the copyright holders.
I am a artist that has just moved to Horgen, Canton of Zurich, from London…I am looking for a studio space which is cheap so I can paint, do you have any studios, or do you know of any studio spaces around Horgen or the silver coast of Zürich. I would appreciate your help.
Kind regards
Sharon Farrelly